
I've been practicing my crocheting a lot recently. It's really refreshing to cultivate a talent rather than being on the internet or watching television all day. I'm so glad I've found a friend I can crochet with! I'm not very good yet, and it makes me feel like giving up a lot, but my friend motivates me to keep on going. :)

A while ago,I was trying to crochet a headband while I was watching My Best Friend's Wedding with my dad (Must watch movie, btw!). He was looking at me for quite some time so I asked him why he was doing so. He told me that my mom used to do the same.....

That just made me miss her. I wish she could teach me all of these things I'd love to learn... Cooking, baking, knitting, crocheting, cross-stiching, gardening and taking care of our home just like she did. ♥

God probably missed her too much to let her stay too long with us..

Mama, I know we'll meet again someday.. : )